Chaiyaboon Screen Mesh Adhesive 1 Litre SFX005 + 100ml SFX002 Fast Dry


Chaiyaboon Brand,
TIME EFFICIENT, fast dry, dried more quickly
SUPER STRONG, guaranteed resist various solvent, CYC, Isophorone, etc
GET MORE, 2 components, 1 Liter and 100 ml
Glue to attach screen mesh to either wood or aluminum screen printing stencil frame.
Consists of two components so that the glue will dry up only when the two components are mixed, to make sure you can use it as much as you need first, and save the rest for use again in the future without worrying about the rest of the glue dries.
Resist both water and solvent printing ink.
The main component of the glue 1000 ml.
Hardener component of the two 100 ml.


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